SOMA landlords charged with terrorizing tenants
Stunning allegations emerge in lawsuit filed against landlords who allegedly waged a campaign of terror against tenant in order to force them to leave. Landlords bought the building and tried to get the former tenant to leave after they succesfully fought the evictions. When one of the tenants, Scott Morrow, successfully fought eviction, the couple […]
Tenant Checker is For All Your Tenant Needs
Whether you are a large industrial and commercial landlord with offices all over the country, or the tenant with a house or a couple of apartments to rent out, Tenant Checker is designed to service all your needs. Tenant Checker is powered by Corra of the Corra Group, the company responsible for employment background checks […]
Non-profit groups helps Baltimore landlords & tenants
Baltimore Sun wrote an interesting piece about a non-profit group that counsels landlords and tenants about the finer points of local tenant laws. Baltimore Neighborhoods stressed the importance of knowing the difference between essential services and common repairs, especially during winter. Heating is an essential repair and local laws require all rental properties to have […]