Rental housing program teaches responsible property management
The Ludington Police Department and the Mason County Sheriff’s Office conducted a rental housing training program for local property owners, rental homes, mobile home parks and apartment communities. One of the most important topics they covered was how proactive landlord behaviors such as tenant background checks can prevent alot of problems. For example, participants learned one irresponsible or […]
Tenant’s Worst Nightmare : Property Foreclosure
In a difficult economy, tenants can a face their worst nightmare: moving into a apartment only to learn that the property has been foreclosed and they must get out. After moving costs, tenants are facing with moving their stuff again. Any legal action is destined to cost money. Also while living in the foreclosed property they might be subject to losing […]
Criminal Tenants to face eviction in New Jersey
Problem tenants who commit crimes may have a tough time holding onto their apartments if a new inititive is passed Millville, New Jersey. The City Commission is exploring a new program which will allow landlords to work with the police and speed up evictions for crimes that occurr on their property. Under the program, police […]
Proposed renter background checks wouldn’t include BYU students
Renter background checks is a smart move for any landlord or property manager. KSL.COM just published an article showing that Provo City is considering background checks for all citizens except for BYU students. Apparently the assumption is that college students are less likely to commit crimes because they follow the college’s code of conduct. As […]
Check your potential tenants criminal record
Make sure you check out your potential tenant’s criminal history before you offer them the apartment or your home. An instant criminal database search is a fast way to protect yourself and other tenants by finding out your renter’s criminal history. You can go further and conduct hand pulled criminal record searches in the county courthouses […]
Renting out your home
Chicago Sun times discusses the pros and cons of renting out your old home while you wait for it to sell. In this tough selling environment, renting your home can be a good source of income to cover the mortage. However, becoming a landlord can be a time consuming task if you haven’t done it […]
Tips for New Landlords
Everything about landlord has a great tip list for prospective landlords. As with any new business decision, it’s important to conduct your own feasibility study and prepare a business plan. The emphasis here is on research and analysis. While you may be passionate about becoming a new landlord, it’s important to conduct your research and then examine the facts with discerning mind, […]
Background Check your Potential Roommate
The Wall Street journal had a great article about checking out your potential roomates. They say that “twentysomethings are often too trusting of people they meet through, say, or apartment-finder Web sites” This can lead to big problems if you move in and your new roommate refuses or cannot pay their share of the […]
SOMA landlords charged with terrorizing tenants
Stunning allegations emerge in lawsuit filed against landlords who allegedly waged a campaign of terror against tenant in order to force them to leave. Landlords bought the building and tried to get the former tenant to leave after they succesfully fought the evictions. When one of the tenants, Scott Morrow, successfully fought eviction, the couple […]
Tenant Screening discussed in Landlord Seminar
Police departments from Richland and Kennewick in the Tri-State Area conducting a landlord training and instruction seminar for approximately fifty two people. Tenant Screening and tenant background checks were one topic of discussion, including fire codes and crime, including graffiti and drugs. “This is very beneficial. It gives us an opportunity to meet with community police […]