Angry Tenant Kills Four People in Seoul apartment building
It wasn’t a good day to be a tenant or a landlord in Seoul, Korea. A jobless man set fire to his apartment on the third floor of a five story studio apartment building. The blaze damaged the building, injured seven people people and killed four. The angry tenant apparently attacked fleeing tenants as they […]
Background Checks on Tenants in Texas
Increasingly, cities across the United States are considering new laws to govern apartment complexes, including new regulations mandating criminal background checks on tenants. Irving City, Texas is the next big city who’s city council is considering a sweeping proposal of reform. Landlords also would be required to conduct criminal background checks on all new tenants […]
Tenant Screening Program helps Bite Crime
Sometimes landlords and property managers can take a bite out of crime when they run criminal background checks on their prospective tenants. In addition to running tenant credit reports for financial history, landlords are now running criminal records searches to make sure their tenants don’t have a history of violance or are currently out on […]
Criminal Background Checks are part of Tenant Screening
Owners and property managers of large low-income properties are facing increasing pressure to regulate and improve the safety of their complexes. With the advent of the 24 hour news cycle and the availability of the Internet, the crime and safety levels are increasingly transparent in most residential communities, as bad news is publicized all the […]
Screening Tenants for Criminal Activity
The importance of maintaining a safe living environment for your tenants cannot be stressed enough, specifically with regard to criminal activity. According to, “A landlord can be sued for failing to take at least minimal steps to alleviate the risk posed by a violent tenant, a Court has ruled.” The court action’s purpose was […]
Bellflower landlords plan to clean up the blight
There is an exciting and innovative plan afoot in the Southern California city of Bellflower. Property owners and landlords are getting together to try to rid their town of a blighted stretch on Eucalyptus Avenue. A wave in crime and police activity inspired the property owners to get together and form an association to raise tax […]
Tenant Screening for first time landlords and property owners
With a slow real estate market, the inventory of rental homes has increased, many with first time landlords. The amount of renters has increased as many new home owners cannot afford to pay their mortgages. Sometimes owners will attempt to find tenants themselves or use a mortgage company. Home owners are advised to screen their […]
Does Crime-Free Certificate mean Diet Crime?
We certainly hope the best for Fairfield anti-crime program with property managers in mind. The Police have established a three phase problem to certify housing complexes with the “Crime-Free” distinction. According the new article/press release, “The certification program was developed to reduce crime, clean up rental properties and increase property values” The program sounds like […]
Finding Stable Reliable Tenants
Jessica Beganski wrote a great article about how to find and maintain reliable tenants. She makes some interesting points- the most striking is that she recommends allowing for pets. Her premise is: I think having a pet shows you’re stable, responsible and flexible – all qualities of a good tenant. Most landlords and property managers […]
Marketing Timing makes unlikely Landlords
With real estate prices falling in most markets, some property owners are renting out their homes while they live in apartments. They are waiting for the property values to increase before they sell and move on. The housing market morass has created a new class of real estate investors: the accidental landlords. Some, like Mr. […]