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Tenant Checker » Finding Stable Reliable Tenants

Finding Stable Reliable Tenants

Jul 22, 2008 - 11:05 am | By

Jessica Beganski wrote a great article about how to find and maintain reliable tenants. She makes some interesting points- the most striking is that she recommends allowing for pets.  Her premise is:

I think having a pet shows you’re stable, responsible and flexible – all qualities of a good tenant.

Most landlords and property managers look at the wear and tear associated with pets and usually opt for the “NO PETS” sign.  While this financial logic is sound, pets do cause damage, Jessica hits them with unusual case of unintended consequences.  If you deny pet owners, then you are eliminating a group of potential responsible tenants from your prospective tenant pool.   While we are startled and grudgingly agree with Jessica’s position, we would like to modify it to “Allowed Pet” as we all know that the some pet owners have the propensity to titter over the brink of reality and start breeding and hording pets.  You do not want video of your property showing up on the evening news when they evict the lady with Fifty cats!

Jessica also mentions the importance of conducting a proper credit check and criminal check on your prospective tenants.  Also, she recommends making your applicants pay for the service.  If they balk at this, you’ve already weeded out a potentially bad tenant. 

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