A new article in Fox 16 Arkansas provides some tips for renters in dealing with disputs with landlords in the state of Arkansas.
Many states have laws that offer extra protection for the tenant when it comes to relationships with landlords. But in Arkansas, renters have to look out for themselves.
So what rights do you have as a renter? Experts say your power is in your lease. Know what you’re signing before you reach the dotted line.
As a landlord, be aware that potential problems with truly responsible tenants can arise from a perception of inattention or carelessness. Just like any business, consider your tenants as your clients and seek to provide them with the best service when they truly need it. A good opportunity is when they make their first maintenance call. If you provide prompt attention to the problem, you will generate good will with your tenants. And this goodwill has dividends especially during a renter’s market. The current real estate situation is makes leased residental housing more attractive to typical apartment renters. As an apartment landlord you will be able to cash in on the good you have generated. Your tenant may not want to move from the certainty of your arrangment to the uncertainty of a cheaper rented house.
landlord tipsrenter’s marketrenter credit check
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i am trying to find out how many days does the land lord have to give us befor we have to vacate the primises
The landlord eviction rules vary depending on state and Local jurisdictions. What is your location?