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Tenant Checker » Sign up for Tenant Training Camp

Sign up for Tenant Training Camp

Apr 22, 2009 - 3:09 pm | By

Jefferson Community College is offering Tenant Training workshops for everyone involved in the rental industry, including tenants, landlords, property managers and building and property owners. 

This is an original and creative method of helping out tenant and landlords.  We have always stressed the importance of understanding the rental laws of your community, as well as State and Federal.   Jefferson Community is providing a great resource to their local community, and we hope more cities and towns follow their lead. 

They stressed in the article the importance of establishing a business relationship with your tenant/landlord, instead of seeking a friendship.  This is a business situation and “friendships” can feel betrayed by some factors that are out of your control as a landlord.  They recommend establishing the business relationship right away to avoid any awkwardness later.    

Source of Credit Reports
One of the ways of establishing that business connection is to begin with a formal tenant screening program.  The applicant is required to sign a release form, and will undergo a standardized background check based on your requirements, which may include a credit history report, eviction records, employment verification, as well a criminal record search. Obtaining credit reports on your potential tenants requires an initial site inspection of your office premises, to protect credit data against potential fraud.  You may be tempted to allow your tenants to bring in a downloaded version of a credit report.  While this is expedient, you are exposing yourself to potential modified documentation.  The power of Photoshop is hard to decipher.  We recommend you obtain credit reports using your tenant screening provider.

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