Require Your Tenants to get renters insurance
According to a survey by Allstate insurance, 60% of tenants nationwide do not have renter’s insurance. The cost of renter insurance is very cheap, usually $15 to $20 per month, and within the price range for most tenants who are not absolutely destitute. Some landlords are requiring their tenants to carry renter’s insurance because it protects the landlords cash flow. […]
Building gets makeover with tenant screening
Creative Management in Columbia, South Carolina has received some positive press for instituting a new tenant screening and eviction program at the Broad River Terrace apartment complex. The building has 103 units and had a reputation for violence, criminal and gang activity. The new owners instituted a strong tenant screening program after taking ownership in 2003, and crime […]
Chicago tenants may get protection against foreclosure evictions
Chicago tenants who face eviction due to landlord foreclosure may receive some additional assistance from City Hall. The plan is being put forth by the Chicao mayor Daley, which will provide up to three months of rent and moving expenses for tenants affected by the landlord foreclosure. The new bill is also looking to expand […]
Screening Tenants for Criminal Activity
The importance of maintaining a safe living environment for your tenants cannot be stressed enough, specifically with regard to criminal activity. According to, “A landlord can be sued for failing to take at least minimal steps to alleviate the risk posed by a violent tenant, a Court has ruled.” The court action’s purpose was […]
Bellflower landlords plan to clean up the blight
There is an exciting and innovative plan afoot in the Southern California city of Bellflower. Property owners and landlords are getting together to try to rid their town of a blighted stretch on Eucalyptus Avenue. A wave in crime and police activity inspired the property owners to get together and form an association to raise tax […]
Tenant Screening for first time landlords and property owners
With a slow real estate market, the inventory of rental homes has increased, many with first time landlords. The amount of renters has increased as many new home owners cannot afford to pay their mortgages. Sometimes owners will attempt to find tenants themselves or use a mortgage company. Home owners are advised to screen their […]
Does Crime-Free Certificate mean Diet Crime?
We certainly hope the best for Fairfield anti-crime program with property managers in mind. The Police have established a three phase problem to certify housing complexes with the “Crime-Free” distinction. According the new article/press release, “The certification program was developed to reduce crime, clean up rental properties and increase property values” The program sounds like […]